Eyes, knees and toes

Things have been very hectic on the home-front lately.  We are in full construction mode as we try and finish the basement before Xmas so that we can entertain visitors.  However, before we finished the basement, we decided to redo the back porch.  We wainscoted the bathroom there, built a new closet/pantry that looks like a built in, put special trim around the whole room and then completely painted the entire two rooms.  I also installed a new light fixture and moved electrical plus and a few lights.  Thanks goodness I was on vacation.

Since I am infrastructure and Laura Jayne is finishing, I took the kids home while she painted.  Wilma and I took the kids to the Santa Clause parade and they had a blast.  Jacob loved all the fire trunks (he does want to be a fireman someday).  Katherine loved all the floats and noises as well and was not frightened by any of the events.

I also went over to Norms to help him install some computer wiring.  I think we should not do things together anymore as we are like Abbott and Costello together.  It took us about 2 hours to fish up the wire from his basement to the attic.  I then somehow managed to let go of the wire and watched it fall back into the basement!  It took us another 30 minutes to fish the wire back up to the attic and when I pulled it up, we realized Norm had attached the wrong wire to the fish tape.  Anyway, we got it done with no holes in the ceiling so I guess we can celebrate our prowess at that.

So I imagine you are wondering about the title?  Well Dad has to go in and have a cataract operation next week.  It is a simple operation that takes about 15 minutes and they have suggested he may not even need to wear glasses after the event.  The knee story is a little worse.  Shelley was out playing hockey and tore some major ligaments in her knee.  She has to wear a special brace for a number of weeks and will need physiotherapy as well.  She is not one that likes to be kept down so it will be hard for her especially with 3 active kids.  She also will miss her running as she was about to begin training for the next marathon.  Wish her well for a speedy recovery.

Now what about toes?  Nothing really, it just seemed to go well with the others.  If anyone has a toe story, send it along.

I will try and get some photos up this week.  I have Halloween shots and Jacobs new school photos we just received.



  1. KevinKevin12-05-2006

    Nice.  Now I don’t need to eat dinner!

  2. MarcMarc12-05-2006

    My contribution to something on toes…from the Mayo Clinic, “Slide Show: How to trim thickened toenails.” Oh, yes….the pictures are very pretty. Just click on the following link.


    So glad I could help, Kevin.

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