Thomas the Tank Egine

We had a great family day out yesterday. We took Jacob and Katherine to see the Thomas the Tank Engine show that was showing at the Metro Center. Rob and Ian Begg came with us as well. They had huge working train models of Thomas, Percy, Troublesome trucks and naughty Diesel. To say Jacob was excited is marginal at best. He was enraptured by the whole show. We bought each of them these Thomas wands that lit up in the dark. You could literally see hundreds of these waving in the crowd. Rob and I were remembering the old concert days when people used lighters to do the same … Anyway the kids thoroughly enjoyed it to the point where Jacob cried because it was over. But he has his glow stick for memories. In fact, he opened the bedroom door with it on last night at 1:00am. “Daddy. I have to pee!” Maybe we should call it his pee stick. smile

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