Fort Fournier

Well I have Fort Fournier about 90% complete.  It was quite fun building and Jacob helped me do some of the hammering and, due to Mom’s genes, acted as general foreman.  The wheel, swing sets and the periscope locations are all his choice.  All that is left to do is to install the perimeter 4×4’s to keep the stone in and add the pea gravel.  Oh, and I need to fix the grass.

Wayne and Wilma came over on the long weekend for a visit.  They came over on the motorcycle slicked up in leather.  Wayne helped me put in the big beam on the playground.  We also had a nice BBQ meal in the evening with lots of wine and good food.

After dieting and exercising for the last 3 months, I came in 3rd for the fitness contest as work.  One person beat me in total weight loss and one in % body fat loss.  I won the division based on biological age – a measure of how old your body really is.  I managed to reduce my age from 43 to 29.  Also, I have lost 50 pounds since the start of the year.  I also had my Cholesterol measured and I am only 3.4 and healthy people are under 4.5.  Laura Jayne now calls me Mr. Burns from the Simpsons.  My focus now will be to actually add some muscle to the old physique.  I also need to buy some new clothes as nothing fits anymore.

Vacation time is coming up soon.  We are taking 2 weeks off the end of July, early August and will spend at least a week in PEI for sun, beach and golfing. 

New photos are posted under the Photo heading.  Enjoy.



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