Surprise Shower

Rob and Nicole Begg threw a nice surprise baby shower for us the other day.  Kelly, her mom Diane and Madonna also came.  We had not seen Madonna in a dog’s age.  It was great to see everyone.  As usual, Rob cooked a great meal (once you got past the cat hair smile ).  You should check Rob’s site out at [url=][/url].  They have some great photos of their new baby, Ian.

Laura Jayne is doing well.  We are now at 32 weeks and the last ultrasound was very good.  The doctors still thinks we will go to 37-38 weeks which makes it a December baby.  That should make people happy as Brian G.‘s birthday is the 17th, Kelly M’s is the 25th and Doug and Kelly’s anniversary is the 29th.  Maybe its time to start another pool. Didn’t Marc win the last one?

We only really have one issue left.  The baby is laying in a transverse position which means it is laying sideways with its back towards Laura Jayne’s belly button.  He/she needs to get the head pointed in the right direction.  However, they do not worry about this until 37 weeks. Flip, baby, flip.

I am off for this week (and last) to look after Laura Jayne and Jacob.  It is hard work and I am beat at the end of the day.  It is nice to see them though as it seems like ages that we have had any family time.

All for now.  Ciao

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