Fireplace Woes

I have been working like a dog lately as has Laura Jayne getting ready for the season. We are going to put our Christmas tree up tonight. I think we can only decorate 3 ft and above this year as Jacob likes to pull off the ornaments as much as he can (as evidenced by his latest visit to a friends house – hope we are invited back.)

I had more run around today in trying to get our fireplace hooked up. Irving will only hook up the tank and not the line as they said before. I have called around to get the line hooked up but of course everyone wants to get it done now and they say that it may not happen until after Christmas. I don’t understand how these people make a living. I think I will call the manager at Irving tommorrow to see I can change their minds!

Laura Jayne and I are going out on a date Thursday night for the first time in a long time. Robbie is babysitting and we are going out with Rob, Kelly and Nicole since the girls all have birthdays really soon.

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