Jacob and his central line episode

Jacob had a bad day yesterday.  The doctors put in a new central line (an IV feed into his arm that goes to the chest cavity).  They gave him a narcotic to ease the pain and it stopped his heart.  They then gave him another drug to stimulate him and that mad him a little crazy.  He had 3 duskies in the night (he forgets to breathe and he heart rate drops sharply) and we think it might be because of his ordeal.

The feed did not go in correctly either and they had to reposition it a few hours later.  He is also back on a mini nasal air supply to help him breathe.  Good news is that be gained another 20 mg last night and he gained 25 grams the night before so he is growing and that is a very important thing.  All in all, it has been a very stressful day for all of us and we sure hope he has a nice stable day today. 

Wayne and Wilma got to see him last night and hold his hand.  They also witnessed one of the duskies.  Wayne got some more pictures of Jacob which I will try and get on the site soon.

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