Baby Update
We are week 30 now (as of today). Laura Jayne is doing really well and we have just 3-4 weeks before we are out of the danger zone. We also had good news that she does not have gestational diabetes. Seems the moral of the story is not to eat a Tim Horton’s muffin before you get tested. Makes you wonder what is really in those things. Jacob and her will be back next weekend for good and I will take two weeks off to look after them. That would get us safely to 33 weeks and then Laura Jayne can start to do light movements after that.
You probably noticed that I played around with the site again. I am trying to make it easier to get around especially to see photos. That will take longer to do but its coming. I am being hit by spammers right now and need to figure out how to stop them.
Methinks that Jacob needs to teach Dad how to write! I will check with Laura Jayne and get back to you. Thanks for leaving a comment. You and Kelly are the only ones who do so. So much for a blog!
Hey Fourniers! Glad to hear all is still well. We Begg’s are very much looking forward to your return to NS. Ian need Jacob to teach him how to play “cars”. Wondering if you are interested in doing brunch Sunday, Nov 28???? Let us know.
Cya soon! Luv, Nicole and Rob and Ian and Rory and Missus.